Tuesday, January 29, 2008





心中好多话想说,电话没钱了,“他”一定认为我正在为明天的小考打拼着,所以没有来电给我。没有心情读书,好想回家...但毕业论文怎么办?所需的仪器再次失灵了,试验不能进行,教授要求假期前必须安排好抽水机的维修或新机安装...从上个学期开始修理至这个学期,真的好失望!维修工作其实并不在我论文的范围里,我主要工作是研究如何清洗仪器... 试验室里的负责人要我们自己学习如何修理,说是为我们未来着想,以后我们一定也会面对这问题... 可我们哪来这么多时间与金钱?? 仪器不就是需要技术人员来修理的吗?那请他来干什么?白拿薪水!!我又不是念机械维修的,怎么懂在如此急迫的时间里修好一个被遗弃了九年的仪器!那些人想偷懒罢了,拿我来开刀,好过份!!!可我又不可得罪他... 真期待哪天老天有眼,修理修理他!“人善天不欺”,希望这道理是真的!!


Monday, January 21, 2008

好久不见... Long time no see!!!

I already disappear for a quite long time... What I am doing in these few days?? Haha!! Became a lazy girl for the first 2 weeks of new year 2008... Happy New Year!! (I understand that it is very late now...) The next 2 weeks...totally opposite of the first 2 weeks... busy and busy... I went to food technology lab (in the main campus) to do the tests on my sample for ex-situ experiment...

I took bus there in the first week of my experiment... I was very bad luck... How can I miss the bus for 2 days continuously??? (I saw the bus pass in front of me about 100m) 2 days... I can't believe that... Mon - Wed morning stay at engineering faculty; in the evening, ran to food tech lab until about 6-7pm; discussion in the night... The clock haven't show 12am but my eye already want to close... I fall asleep in bus but "ho cai" I wake up before my destination... a bo???!!! (anyone can imaging what happen la) ----- go back to the original place...

Luckily, my coursemate also go to the same lab this week and I can "tumpang"... HAHA!! Pity my friend---very tired after rushing here and there for whole day + she has to DRIVE... Thank you so much, my friend! I am really really appreciate all your help!!

Today, I started to feel pain in my wrist (where the bone cracked). It may be due to I used my hand in lab for whole morning... Can you see the "bengkak" side in the photo?? Try to guess?

Time really gone very fast. This week already the 5th week of semester...next week will be the test week... I have test on Tue morning and another 2 tests in the same day - Wed. Then, it is time to go home! CNY coming soon... I wish the time go through very slowly during the 1 week semester break... Please la, Please.............................................!

p/s: I can't upload my photo at this moment. I will try latter...