Thursday, June 25, 2009

English Speaking

Recently, I had received a forwarded email from my BF with title "English is a difficult language...for some!"

Its really can make me laugh when I was upset during the receiving of the email, as below:

(I didn't mean to offence anyone, I also have my own story due to my poor speaking, in English of course!)

"few years ago, a former Japanese PM (Shen XI Lang), when given speech, he pronounced IT (Information Technology) as "it" (He, she, "It", that "it"), and keep repeating it during his speech, ha! ha! ha!

This is a true story from the Japanese Embassy in US!!!
A few days ago, Prime Minister Mori was given some Basic English conversation training before he visits Washington and meets president Barack Obama... The instructor told Mori Prime Minister, when you shake hand with President Obama, please say 'how r u'. Then Mr. Obama should say, 'I am fine, and you?' Now, you should say 'me too'. Afterwards we, translators, will do the work for you.' It looks quite simple, but the truth is... When Mori met Obama , he mistakenly said 'who r u?' (Instead of 'How r u?'.) Mr. Obama was a bit shocked but still managed to react with humor: 'Well, I'm Michelle's husband, ha-ha...' Then Mori replied 'me too, ha-ha.. .'. Then there was a long silence in the meeting room. "

Let hear my story:

I believe that everybody will make mistake, perhap mistakes, in our life. We are human being, right? The most important thing is we should learnt from our mistake!! A man tried to deny or ignore the mistake will never learn from it, the problem will happen and happen again, never end - This is my theory.

Alright, sometimes it is too difficult to admit that we are making mistake, I faced with the same condition too. I have my own responce to it too: if anyone telling me that certain acts are never allowed in any circumstance and I had done with the same thing, I will only answer that "okay, I understand now". There is a technician who also tell lies to cover his mistake in my company. I grabbed a chance to warn him that I am alert to what is going in the factory when my bosses from Thailand were in Malaysia company.

In our life, there are always mistake and faulties... This is life experience, we are learning from our experience! Don't be afraid to make mistake, the most important is Do Not Repeat The Mistake!

Thursday, April 16, 2009



第一天过得很充实,学会了PLC 的concept (最基本的了解), 对于自动包装机器的运作有了大概的认识,不错不错!

第二天还好,有一些confuse,wah!electrical stuffs ,我真的一窍不通呀!不要放弃,我会再接再厉的。加油!加油!
参观了工厂,对于他们的包装部门非常的满意。他们的机器都操作的非常顺利,不需要太多的人力,大马的状况可真的差很多了!七架机器生产的plastic packages只用了2个人来进行合装,一个人处理strapping的工作。在大马,三架机器,我们竟然需要5处理同样的工作,机器少人家一半,人力却需要人家的2倍,真可笑!
初兴米粉厂真的实力非凡!上千名的员工,数十万的机器,都保持在非常好的状态,他们可是24hrs 操作的呢!这真的都归功于领导人的辛劳。

Ayutthaya map
一整天的路程我们去了六家的庙宇, 每个地方都好漂亮, 人潮济济。当然,我也拍了不少照片与你分享!首先让我介绍这次的导游,Khun Eric 及 Khun Oil。谢谢你们带我到如此壮观的旅游胜地。

我该如何诉说我现在的心情呢? 我一直以来都知道自己的身体不是非常的健康,但至少还可以说是过得去的。可是现在的我却连过得去的资格也没有。我到底怎么了?
我今天总共去了厕所8次,腹泻物从立体状到液体状,依然在泻,可真厉害!看来真的可以瘦身了,免费的! 哈哈!:p (我依然笑得出,情况算是乐观吧!)
Khun Eric & Khun Oil,真的对不起,让你们为我操心了。我的存在一定为你们带来不少麻烦吧!非常抱歉!

My dinner,specially bought by Khun Eric Lovely breakfast prepared by Khun Oil


My dinner with Khun Oil & her friends

My favourite - “papaya salad” !Tua Pan Soup,Aloi!

Real Duck Noodle,Yummy Yummy!

Instant Duck Doodle 快熟鸭面是好吃,可怎也比不上泰国真正的鸭面!


我尤其喜欢酸辣的“Tom Yam Gong”,"Papaya Salad" and "Tua Pan Soup". Ha Ha!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Am I sleeping beuty???

I zZ quite a lot recently... Wah, really unbelievable!!

The last weekend, I spend most of my time sleeping only. On the Saturday, I woke up about 9 am and went for car service and clinic for medical check. It took about 45 min for the car service (tyre alignment) and I and my sister went to Giant to buy some stuffs. The clinic was close on Sat. I went back home straight after that. Then, it was my sleeping time!! Actually I was watching the Japanese drama - 救命病栋24时 , but I fall asleep... ha ha!!

I went to Youth Park in the evening after I woke up but i still yawning after jogging!! And again I fall asleep during watching the drama in the night until my mum wake me up!

On Sunday, the same thing happen!! Sleeping at afternoon & evening, and slept about 10 something or 11pm in the night!!

I also slept about 10 hours last night and I get flu today!!!

What wrong with my health??!!! Anyone can tell me??

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!

It is a grand new year now, 2009!! Time really passing without any trace, cannot believe that I already working for about 7 months...haha :p 7 months, can be consider short and also can be consider long...what to say?? haha!!

Some of my friends change their work already, include my sister. She quit from Dell and go to 锺金泉 about 3 months ago. It is because she work as contract employee in Dell and she was afraid that she will become unemployed after the contract. However, her friends from Dell told her that now they are hiring permanent worker, will she regret? Or she is very happy to proceed to other company? I am not sure, I hope she enjoys her work now and wish you all the best in this new year, aji!!!

Today is the first working day in year 2009! All the best to all!!!! I hope everything go smooth and well... I am sure everyone wish for the same.
