Sunday, March 30, 2008

等待...好残酷!!! 健康最重要!

过去的星期四对我来说真的是... 酸甜苦辣都尝尽了。

三月二十六日, 我放了自己四天假,放下了手头上的所有事情,不顾一切的飞奔回家乡槟城。心情好愉快,因为我就要见到家人及男朋友!想不到我竟然还会非常高兴,难道忘了回家的目的吗?真是针不刺到肉不怕痛!

三月二十七日,我一早就起身了,今天可是重要的日子 - 我的宝贝要进院动手术!原以为早上办完入院手续就可以进手术室了,怎知等了一个早上才成功办完手续及身体检查。可怜我的宝贝,饿了十九个小时,不能喝水又不能吃东西。不知当我告诉他我要去吃午餐时,他心情是如何呢?

到了下午两点,护士终于告诉我们可以准备进手术室了。趁着护士还没来,赶紧在他额头上印了一个吻,泪水已在眼眶中打滚,别开脸,不让他看见... 从休息间到手术室,望着躺在床上的丰,我心中好不舍... 你一定要好起来哦! 我一直都会在外头等着,我会是你睁开眼看到的第一个人!

已是下午六点多,好多病人进进出出,怎么不见我等的人呢?每一次手术室的门一打开,我就好紧张,好希望丰赶快出来,一次又一次的期待又失望,好难受,怎办!!?? 我一步都不敢走开,深怕错过了他,但... 人有三急嘛,厕所在走廊的另一端,干嘛把厕所建得这么远! 酸与苦,同时间都让我尝尽了...




Friday, March 7, 2008

Typing Speed

36 words


I really can't imaging how slow my typing was. Hah!!

Have to really work hard on it...

My sister is great in typing, I must ask her to test with this speed test...

Monday, March 3, 2008

Experiment Day!

Today, again, is my experiment day at fst(food science and technology) lab. Why I am here again today? I always asking myself every time I have to travel from my faculty to main campus for the only purpose -- using water bath at fst lab. It is very sad to say that, yes, my department's (process and food engineering) laboratory have a water bath, but the water bath is not well function. Who are willing to wait for bus about 1hr before travel to other place to do the experiment, instead of walking about 10 minutes to the faculty located in front of the place where they stay?? It is crazy... try to imagine - 10 minutes and 60 minutes, what a huge different!! What will you choose?

The difference between the water bath in both lab is there are some holding plates inside the rectangular tank. It is used to whole the beakers to prevent it float on the water. I need this stuff to hold the beakers to be heated in the experiment. In addition, there is a shaker came with the water bath. The one in my lab, already cannot shake!! What for to have a water bath like this?? Hai... May be it is okay for others who do not need the holding plates and shaker, some of my course mate still can use it... I wish I only need to test my sample in static condition, then I don't need to travel so far from my collegue.

The static experiment I had done before only required about 40-50 minutes to obtain the sample I needed. In shaking condition, it's take about 4 hours. I can't imaging how different it was. Oh!! 4 hrs wasted to prepare the sample...2 more hours to clean the things up. The parameters take in consider include time, concentration of cleaning solution, compared with water cleaning... So much of combination needed to be tested... How many days I need?? And I have to test again using plate heat exchanger... I only have another 6 weeks to pass up my final report... Can I make it???

I really hope so... Yes, I must believe in myself!! I CAN DO IT!!!

It's time for me to check for my sample...