Monday, February 18, 2008

Mi Sua

My dinner today was Mi Sua!! It is delicious too. Can you notice what are the extra ingredients compare to the porridge I mentioned before??

Actually, I wish to cook porridge but... It is amazing that I ate porridge for 3 meals continuously, but I still love to eat porridge!! It is because it is hot and I love to eat hot food like soup, it is so tasty and giving me a warm feeling, just like having meal at home! The cabbage I have still left a lot... more than enough for cooking porridge! So, I have to change my mind to cook something than less full compare to porridge, and other sources I have is only the "Mi Sua".

There is another thing that I never consider about... the "Mi Sua" will swelling and became very much even I only put the serving size for 1 person... It is too much for I and my sister, thus I was kept some of the soup for supper! Isn't it very good?? I have extra supper!! Ha Ha!! It is still warm when I having it latter because I kept it in a thermo cup!! Wah, it is worth!!

Everything happened and going to happed around us is in cause-and-effect related, this is what I believe in... Therefore, I become fatter only in these few days! "Where got fat??" some of my friends will say... I have spared tyer lo... because of eating and sleeping in these few days lo... Ha Ha!! But I still very happy!! (I must climb more stairs to throw away the extra fat! Extra fat, I don't want you stick with me!!!)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

My Simple Happy Meal - Porridge

I am a very simple person... A simple hot meal can make me happy for the whole day! He He... :p

I love to eat porridge, very much. The pictures above are my lunch (first) and dinner (later) today. The lunch include potato, cabbage, boxthorn fruit and fried onion and the dinner include cabbage, boxthorn fruit, mushroom and ginger. It is very simple and delicious!! And the most important is it is healthy! I also have "filamentous fried chicken meat" (肉丝)as additional taste! YUMMI YUMMI!! I am very happy!

Thank you very much to my friend, Cha Ling for her rice cooker!! She was giving me this opportunity to enjoy a simple and happy meal in the weekend!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008



有个 group project,在这星期一,甲人问我看要不要呈交“某某”part 的功课,我第一反应是:糟糕!新年里我把所有功课都忘了!(当然,我并没有喊出来。)经过向 lecturer 询问后,发现原来不需要呈交,但却要准备好资料,所以我们就决定要讨论以做资料准备,后来甲人还建议不如直接把功课做完,干净利落嘛!在这讨论期间,乙人缺席了,我无所谓,新年嘛,大家都想多放几天假。

今天,乙人问起为何讨论功课没等她(甲&乙人都是女的。)时,甲人竟然说是我及我姐姐 (这个 project 我与我姐都是同一组的) 自己算的(功课是一种算式作业),她(甲人)只负责打报告!她并没有解释是教授要求的,所以我们只好先讨论!虽然她所说的是事实,但不是事实的全部!提出需要完成功课的人是甲人,先决定要直接把功课做完的人也是甲人,干嘛把所有的东西推向我们两姐妹, 当成是我们抢着把功课完成??!!她的语气就说明我们故意把功课先做完,不等其他人。

大家应该会好奇,为什么有人帮忙自己把功课做完还会惹起不满... 这应该是好事嘛! 不是吗?--------其实, 这个project 最后阶段有一个 presentation, 大家都不希望被推挤出来当 presentor 嘛!

甲人... 这个人真是会利用"语言的漏洞", 简单的解释都没有,我还能说什么呢?佩服佩服,同时也不敢恭维!


Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Happy Chinese New Year!

1 more hour will be Chinese New Year! Happy Happy!


但愿世界和平,没有天灾,没有战争,暖化现象可以化解, 愿大家开开心心!

All the best and good luck, everyone!