Tuesday, June 17, 2008


从星期二开始,我就办进 Sg Bakap 的房子了。当然,那不是我的房子; 我不过是租房间而已。

打从星期一晚开始我的心情有点复杂。该如何说起呢?太奇怪了... 我好舍不得哦! 六年的远距离恋爱,如今我回来了,但有要离开了!有点儿对不起我的“他”。

其实我有点儿后悔,并不是因为工作的关系,而是因为我忽略了“他”的感受。真的很内疚... “他”等了我三年,好不容易挨过了三年,如今因为我的工作,又要“他”再等多三年... 我做事太如莽了! 真的非常对不起!除此之外,我的决定还带来很多负面的影响了...


Friday, June 6, 2008

Working Life, So Far So Good!

I have started my working life since last Saturday. It is already 1 week! I really cannot believe in it... Time is passing very fast. I have to speak English everyday to my supervisor, Mr Theerapong. My broken English... hai... so poor. I have to work hard with this.

My position is production engineer. The company I joined is flour manufacturing company. It is a join-venture company between local citizen and Thailand people. First of all I have to understand the whole processing steps, controlling points, control parameters... A lot of things to learn and experience... I need to walk around the plant always, it's good for people has less exercise like me. Ha Ha!!

Today, I was receiving my beautiful safety but, it is beautiful and different from other. The boss is really good to me. I like that a lot. Ha! They even arrange the place for me to stay. (My working place is at Sungai Bakap, Seberang Perai Selatan.)

Just imaging how lucky I am... :p

Thanks a lot to my darling for supporting me and always be beside me whenever I need for help!! I love you so much, my dear!