Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!

It is a grand new year now, 2009!! Time really passing without any trace, cannot believe that I already working for about 7 months...haha :p 7 months, can be consider short and also can be consider long...what to say?? haha!!

Some of my friends change their work already, include my sister. She quit from Dell and go to 锺金泉 about 3 months ago. It is because she work as contract employee in Dell and she was afraid that she will become unemployed after the contract. However, her friends from Dell told her that now they are hiring permanent worker, will she regret? Or she is very happy to proceed to other company? I am not sure, I hope she enjoys her work now and wish you all the best in this new year, aji!!!

Today is the first working day in year 2009! All the best to all!!!! I hope everything go smooth and well... I am sure everyone wish for the same.



(e+ho)ng said...

What a fast blog entry! :D Keep up the good work & all the best!

靖璇 said...

thank you so much, my dear!