Monday, December 24, 2007


我有一个洋娃娃,取名为白白。不是自己买的,当初是祖母在垃圾桶里捡到的。也不记得是什么时候捡到了,应该是刚上初中不久吧!总之,别人当垃圾我们就当宝。哈哈!这白白 陪了我们已经十年了...
今天我姐姐为白白冲凉,把它晒在外头,结果它“跳楼”了!(我家在十三楼)可怜的白白呀!我妈把它捡起时它的头断了... em... 好可怜!
当然我不会把它丢了就算,等到晒干了,妈妈帮它缝好它的头就可以了。不过到那时候我已经回去大学了... 看不到它成了什么样子了... 好可惜!


(e+ho)ng said...

You lost your 白白? The doll fell down from the 13th floor? Have you picked it up?

The Google Translate translation is not very accurate therefore I still failed to understand the whole scenario. :(

靖璇 said...

Haha, sorry for the chinese writing...

You guess will I pick it up?? Sure I WILL!

The story is like this....
My sister help 白白 to take bath this morning. The doll was hang outside... It is wet, so it is very heavy. The clip cannot hold the weight and 白白 fall down from 13th floor... My mum go down get it and ground floor ad found that 白白 become 2 parts--head split away from body...oh o! What can we do?? We just can wait it dry and mum will sew it later... but at that time we already went back to university, so we can't see how 白白 look like after finish sew...