Thursday, May 22, 2008

NRIC stand for???...... National Research & Innovation Competition

I am in Dewan Utama Pelajar, USM now. What I am doing here? Have you all attend to exhibition or carrier fair before? There are a lot of booth and people will sell hard on their product... or promote their their company... I am here to introduce my project to public. I was thinking - will their understand what I was done in last whole year? Ha Ha!! I hope some of them will get what actually I was doing!

My project is not a popular work. Its regarding to maintenance work, involve cleaning of equipment. There was once 3 secondary students came to my booth and ask me to explain on my work. They end up with "blur blur" face even I already explain in both English and Malay language. Its look like I have to improve my communication skill. I have to, not look like. Ha Ha!!

The photographs above show the stage for open ceremony and my booth in Dewan B .


(e+ho)ng said...

Congratulations for being nominated to the competition! :) I hope that you have gained some valuable experience thru this public competition.

靖璇 said...

Sure I learn something from that competition. Ha Ha!! It's good thing and totally new to me.