Saturday, February 16, 2008

My Simple Happy Meal - Porridge

I am a very simple person... A simple hot meal can make me happy for the whole day! He He... :p

I love to eat porridge, very much. The pictures above are my lunch (first) and dinner (later) today. The lunch include potato, cabbage, boxthorn fruit and fried onion and the dinner include cabbage, boxthorn fruit, mushroom and ginger. It is very simple and delicious!! And the most important is it is healthy! I also have "filamentous fried chicken meat" (肉丝)as additional taste! YUMMI YUMMI!! I am very happy!

Thank you very much to my friend, Cha Ling for her rice cooker!! She was giving me this opportunity to enjoy a simple and happy meal in the weekend!!


(e+ho)ng said...

Looks yummy,
Makes me feel hungry,
When you come back from university,
Make sure to cook it for me.


靖璇 said...


Ha Ha!!

Sure I will cook for you... in one day...

But I am not sure whether you will like it or not...

Hope you like it... Ha Ha!

You must work hard to make sure I can cook for you oh!! You get what I mean?? "isi tersirat"??

Take care good good oh!

nahneit said...

hmm...eng hong~~ will u marry me?? lolz.