Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Am I sleeping beuty???

I zZ quite a lot recently... Wah, really unbelievable!!

The last weekend, I spend most of my time sleeping only. On the Saturday, I woke up about 9 am and went for car service and clinic for medical check. It took about 45 min for the car service (tyre alignment) and I and my sister went to Giant to buy some stuffs. The clinic was close on Sat. I went back home straight after that. Then, it was my sleeping time!! Actually I was watching the Japanese drama - 救命病栋24时 , but I fall asleep... ha ha!!

I went to Youth Park in the evening after I woke up but i still yawning after jogging!! And again I fall asleep during watching the drama in the night until my mum wake me up!

On Sunday, the same thing happen!! Sleeping at afternoon & evening, and slept about 10 something or 11pm in the night!!

I also slept about 10 hours last night and I get flu today!!!

What wrong with my health??!!! Anyone can tell me??


nahneit said...

eng hong didn't take good care of you.... XD

(e+ho)ng said...

:'( Why am I being blamed?

Anyway, I shall make it a point to bring you out for physical activities as often as possible. :)

Perhaps you are not used to driving long distance which require a certain level of concentration? After all, you have never transported yourself all these while until recently, right?

靖璇 said...

Dear Tien Han, Happy New Year! How are you doing recently?

Dear (e+ho)ng, hehe, may be lo, it is great to be a passanger, and you are right, I should go for physical activities...haha!! :p

Take care, both of you!